There has been an incident at Chandigarh airport. Kangana Ranaut who won her election from Mandi. She was traveling to Delhi by vistara flight after the Security Check when she was going to board an aircraft. A CISF member is reported to have slapped her. Kangana Ranaut slapped by CISF constable at Mohali airport. Kangana Ranaut is very disappointed with the entire film industry. Kangana Ranaut slams film industry for not reacting on her slap incident at Mohali airport.
The Indian actor and MP elect made some pretty shocking allegations. She claimed that a CISF security official at the Chandigarh airport slapped her on the face while she was traveling to New Delhi. According to reports, Kulwinder Kaur, an official of the central industrial security force, slapped her while she was proceeding to the boarding point.
Kangana Ranaut’s Instagram story
After incident after the incident happened at the Mohali airport Kangana Ranaut posted a story on her Instagram handle and she wrote expressing her disappointment “ dear film industry you all either celebrating or a totally mum on the airport attack on me remember if tomorrow if you are walking disarmingly on some street of your country or anywhere else in the world and some Israeli / Palestinian hits you or your children just because you tried to bring eyes to Rafah or stood up for Israeli hostage…… then you will see I will be fighting for your rights of free speech, if somebody you wonder why I am where I am remember you are not me..”
Kangana Ranaut’s statement after the slap incident
The incident that happened in Chandigarh today happened during the Security Check. As soon as the security check was done, The lady employee in the other cabinet was a CISF employee. I waited for her to cross. So she came from the side and she slept on my face. When I asked her the reason why she slapped me, she said that I support the farmers’ protest. Kangana Ranaut has alleged that the female constable slapped her because of her statement during the farmer’s protest. And she said how would the terrorism and extremism that is increasing in Punjabi be handled?
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