Janhvi Kapoor was last seen in Bawaal on July 21, 2023. Currently, she is busy promoting her forthcoming movie Mr & Mrs with Rajkummar Rao. In the promotion of her film, Janhvi is multiple times seen wearing outfits in which the number six is written. On May 3, she was spotted wearing a half-sleeved blue crop top in which ‘Mahi 6’ was written on the front and ‘Cricket is life aur life is cricket’ on the back. Furthermore, on May 11, Janhvi was seen wearing a pink Barbie sleeveless crop top with the number six, paired with a black and white striped skirt.
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Janhvi Revealed the Secret Behind the Number 6
Janhvi Kapoor was recently multiple times spotted wearing an outfit with the number 6 written on it. She responded to fans who multiple times asked her why the number 6 was on her outfits and if there was any myth behind it. She answered in her Instagram Ask Me Anything session.
Furthermore, she explained that in the film, she plays the role of Mahima, who is, like us, a huge fan of Mahendra Singh Dhoni. We were making a decision, involving Sharan Sharma and myself, along with others, about which jersey number I should wear in the film. Later, we decided that concerning Sir Dhoni, number 7 belongs to them only; we could not use it; we should pick other numbers. She suggested that we should use the number 6, as it is my lucky number, and I “hope it will bring luck.”
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About Janhvi Kapoor’s Upcoming Films
Janhvi will be seen in her upcoming film, Mr & Mrs Mahi, a romantic sports drama film directed by Sharan Sharma and produced by Dharma Productions. Janhvi and Rajkummar Rao play the lead roles in the film. It is Janhvi’s second film with Rajkummar; previously, they were seen in Roohi 2021, and Mr & Mrs Mahi will arrive in cinemas on May 31, 2024.
In 2025, Janhvi will share the screen with Varun Dhawan in Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari, a romantic comedy film directed by Shashank Khaitan and releasing on April 18, 2025.
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