Recently seen in Ruslaan, actor Aayush Sharma speaks about getting divorced from the sister of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. They married in 2014 and will complete their 10 years of marriage in November 2024. They have two children, a son named Ahil and a daughter named Ayat. In a recent interview, he talked about the divorce rumor that was spreading around.
Aayush is talking about the divorce rumor
In an interview with News18, he said nobody is interested in my life to spread rumors about my life, but I remembered a tiny incident when he was out with his son for dosa, and while he was returning, he interacted with the paparazzi, and they asked me that I and Arpita are filing for divorce.
That left me in shock, but still, we found humor in that situation and burst into laughter at the rumor. I was completely surprised. I just took my son for a snack, and I have faced questions related to my divorce. When I came back home, I went to Arpita and asked if she was going to divorce me. And we had a good laugh over it”.
Talked about his and Arpita’s relationship
Aayush praised Arpita for staying with him and being a permanent support system for him through his career’s ups and downs. He called her a harsh critic of my work, but she is more honest than harsh later, he added. Further, he said she watches movies very objectively, and Aayush reveals that her sensibility is very different compared to the film I made. She is aware that I like making mass films, but she is more into films that are based on true stories.
In addition, he said she appreciates good content and likes movies that are shorter and emotionally driven. He added that Arpita has a very different take on cinema, and when she watches his films, she gets into the continuity, and if there is a disruption in continuity, she will have a problem.
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About Aayush Sharma
Aayush Sharma is a Bollywood actor. He made his debut in 2018 with the film Loveyatri, which was produced by Salman Khan. In 2021, he was also seen with Salman Khan in Antim: The Final Truth, directed by Mahesh Manjrekar.
Recently, Aayush appeared in Ruslaan, an action film directed by Karan Lalit Butani. The film was released on April 26, 2024, and collected only Rs 5 crore in its first week with a budget of over Rs 20 crore.
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